February Daphne – A White February Smile


Perhaps you don’t know that “D. Mezereum” is the name of one of the first spring flowers, known especially for its beauty – the February Daphne.

daphaneThe tender plant is among the first early flowering plants, which come after the winter and it’s often preferred by gardeners because of its never drying root-system.

The common name of the February Daphne is Mezereon from the species “mezereum”. You have to expose this flower to full sun and try to avoid the shadow places of your garden. The proper soil for the Daphne is moist and drained. Apart from that, the February Daphne is not a whimsical plant and it doesn’t need too much care.

mezereumYou can see the Daphne very commonly around cottages and near doorways because of it’s lovely fragrance.

It is also known as the flower-sign of the first spring days. The February Daphne has white flowers, clustered on stems. The fading begins when the new foliage start to grow.

February DaphneDon’t forget, that Daphne is from the cultivar “f.alba”, which means, that all parts of the plant are poisonous. The February Daphne reaches 1.5 m of height and spreads around 1.5 m, which makes it comfortable to grow near paths and borders.

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