Hyacinths – From Container to Garden Bed


Hyacinths are beautiful flowers and are available in a wide range of colors. One can choose from a variety of hyacinths and even mix and match them to get stunning results in the garden.

Planting hyacinth bulbs and taking care of them till they bloom and then transferring them to the garden involve a lot of work, but the results are worth the efforts put in.

HyacinthsHyacinths are spring favorites as the blooms can last as long as three weeks and the fragrances are lovely.

The plants are upright and stiff and attain heights of eight to twelve inches.

Hyacinths are available as single hyacinths, double hyacinths and multiflora hyacinths.

The singles have full heads and look stunning, blue Giant being a favorite.

The doubles have whorls of flowers, Hollyhock being the absolute favorite. Multiflora are more casual with multiple flower stalks.

As a rule hyacinths need well drained soil with a little reflected warmth. The plants will rot if the soil is not well drained. They thrive better in clumps rather than tiny groups. They not only do well but the spectacle of hundreds of them flowering together can be breathtaking.

Hyacinths are normally planted as bulbs in pots and kept in cool dark place till they are ready to bloom. Once in bloom they are transferred to the garden after the blooms have faded, preferably in beds rather than pots.

When choosing bulbs, look for large bulbs as they will give you large blooms.

The next year you can expect your garden to burst into a riot of colors. They need to be planted about four inches deep so that two inches of the bulb are buried.

Hyacinths love a little extra fertilizer to help them bring out sturdy and brilliant bulbs. Dormant hyacinths are normally transferred into gardens during the months of September through December.

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