Top 10 Summer Flowering Bulbs


Summer is the best season for amazing plants, flowers and shrubs to grow. It is the best season for your house garden or lawn as well since so many varieties of bulbs can be grown. There are plenty of summer flowering bulbs that you can grow and make your lawn or garden look attractive, colorful and so beautiful. The following is a list of the top 10 summer flowering bulbs:


alliumThese amazing looking purple bulbs can add color to any garden or lawn. These grow really well in the summers and may die late into the season.

Oriental lily

These lilies are very recognizable and have amazing fragrance as well. There are many lilies that you can choose from, depending upon your color choices and size preferences. The large variety are also very easy to grow.


begoniaThese are one of the most glamorous bulbs to grow and add a nice color to any surrounding area. They also produce nice bright flowers and remain alive from summer to November. These can easily be grown in baskets and windows as well.


This is an amazing fabulous cut flower that produces fragrant blooms which look highly beautiful. They are best grown in greenhouses and conservatories.


These are flamboyant looking summer bulbs which may be considered a little old fashioned but are available in many bright colors and grow best in vase indoors. They looks great when placed at the back of a border.

Polianthes tuberosa

These are one of the most fragrant summer bulbs that you will find. These are best grown in heated environments of greenhouse or conservatories.


crocosmiaThese are very fast growing summer bulbs which multiply quickly and are tipped with starry flowers which are available in yellow, red and orange colors. They can be grown in wonderful flowering patterns.


This bulb is also known as fireball lily and has large spherical flowers. It can also be grown in winters if it is well heated.

Bearded iris

These bulbs have a light fragrance and add a wonderful color and shape to your flower arrangements. They are available in many amazing colors.


These form interesting feature dotted summer bulbs and they add a vertical accent to the back or borders. As the flower of these bulbs set seed they stand straight up.