Water Garden Lawn For Better Production Of Flowers And Grass!


Garden LawnWatering your lawn and garden will improve the quantity and quality of your flowers and grass. It is time consuming and worth the efforts.

Irrigating your lawn and garden is a necessity in most areas of the country.

Even if you have never watered your garden lawn before, the fact is that if you receive less than one inch of rain a week, you should really consider irrigation.

Lawn watering is some thing that is very basic when it comes to lawn care. If you want to keep your lawn healthy then you have to keep watering it.

Water your garden lawn with care

When it comes to lawn watering, you should not over water your lawn. There is such a thing called drowning. You can also drown the grass shoots in your lawn if you water it too much.

You should only water lawn garden with the right amount of water or else you are going to end up with a dead lawn.

First you have to make sure that you have a good watering system in the first place. You have to buy one of those very effective sprinklers and make sure that it works properly. If you want your lawn watering to be hassle free then you have to make sure that you get right equipment.

Winter gardening

When gardening is your hobby why not try out some thing adventurous in gardening that means winter gardening. It is really interesting to see fresh green leaves or tiny leaves coming out stalks, that too when the surrounding is loaded with snow.

Watering monthly during the winter should be done when air temperatures are above freezing and early enough in the day to allow the water to sink in by nightfall.

In winter you better water less and aerate your garden lawn. Aeration pulls tiny plugs from the soil, allowing water to be absorbed in better way.

Bermuda goes dormant in the winter so it doesn’t need much water. Irrigate Bermuda grass just once per month. Avoid afternoon winds and reduce the risks of icing by watering in the midmorning.

Accumulating defensive mulch on the soil around your plants will trap moisture so you don’t have to water as much. Turn on sprinklers for a minute after you mow and scan for broken or misaligned sprinkler heads and broken pipes.

Winter preparation tips for your lawn garden

Garden lawn should be fed by fertilizers in two waves. The first application should be from mid to late September and the fertilizer should be high in nitrogen.

The second application should be roughly about thanksgiving but before the ground is frozen and this fertilizer should be high in phosphorous.

The next is you have to repair a damaged garden lawn and reseed. To prepare your garden for winter, plant a nitrogen rich cover like clover that you can simply turn under coming spring.

Water supply should be plenty to substitute rainfall. Water your garden lawn for at least 1 to 2 inches per week and deeply two to three times a week.

Every year once or twice aerate the soil. It will help the water and oxygen to enter easily. You should also control weeds, insects and diseases at regular intervals.