8 Benefits Of A Hydroponic Garden


Hydroponics is the science of growing plants without soil, only making use of minerals, nutrients, and water. In a hydroponic garden, plants grow through the use of nutrient water with fertilizers.

It may or may not involve the use of mechanical support in the form of sand, gravel, peat moss, sawdust, and others. The growing popularity of using a hydroponic garden has increased over the years, because it has its own advantages.

They are especially efficient for use to eliminate poverty, overpopulated regions, or for use in areas that have low access to water, and hence cannot produce large yields of crops.

The benefits of hydroponics

1. The growth rate of plants in a hydroponic garden are 30-50 times faster than plants that grow in soil, making it an ideal choice for those who want to grow vegetables to consume or sell in a business.

Scientists attribute the higher plant yield to the additional oxygen provided by the mediums used in hydroponics which is crucial to root growth and development.

2. Measuring the ph levels of the nutrients will be much easier to manage through a hydroponic garden than with soil. It also becomes easier to maintain the desired nutrient status, and presents a cleaner, easier way to manage your garden.

3. There is a significant decrease in pests and disease, which the soil usually attracts. A hydroponic garden is usually placed indoors as well, which is another contributing factor to this advantage.

4. Water waste is significantly reduced as well because the plants make use of concentrated feeding.

5. The environmental benefits are one of the most important advantages of a hydroponic garden. The systems in a hydroponic garden can be designed to make use of recycled nutrients and water, and feeding them uses only 10% of water as compared to traditional gardening or agriculture.

6. Growing your own hydroponic garden also means that you can totally eliminate the use of herbicides and pesticides, which is beneficial to the environment and ensures that the vegetable plants grown are healthier, loaded with nutrients, and don’t have toxins or chemicals.

7. A hydroponic garden makes use of only about a fifth of the space of a traditional garden, while producing even more yield. The gardens can be situated in your basement and even in your rooftop, saving a significant amount of space.

Furthermore, they are not dependent on seasons and external environmental factors because it is a controlled method of gardening. This allows you to grow crops all throughout the year.

8. Plants grown in a hydroponic garden will be healthier and more immune to diseases and parasites. This is attributed to the controlled environment and controlled lighting involved in a hydroponic garden.

Given the significant benefits of a hydroponic garden versus traditional agriculture or garden, it’s no surprise that more and more people are getting into it.

It’s also very easy to start your own hydroponics at home, and although the technology may be a little more capital-heavy, its returns, yields, and low-maintenance make it an excellent investment.


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