Bumper Bean In Not So Bumper Soil


Bumper bean is one of those vegetables that need a special care. For any gardener that wants to grow bumper bean in his garden, we are suggesting few tips how to do it.

The ground preparation for these vegetables requires starting in October. Make sure the place has enough moisture, but do not allow the roots to be in water. The sowing also needs a special attention.

Do not forget that sowing needs to be done between 20 and 28 May, especially for the early crop. The second sowing can be on 1 June, while the next one may take place on July 1st. The last picking of the bumper bean needs to be in November.

bumper beanThe good news is that bumper beans do not suffer from diseases and pests and can be called a productive vegetable.

The eventual problems you might face during their growth are that some mice are eating their seeds.

Harvesting the beans needs a special system. Do not pull the beans from the plants, because you might break their thin stems. Just cut the stalk with scissors or knife. Preserving the beans is easy. Just keep them in polythene bag in the fridge as you blanch them before that.

Usually the bumper beans grow a lot of beans, so make sure you will not be sowing more than it is necessary.