Easy To Grow Crops For Home Gardening


cropIf you want to try your hand in gardening and you are a newbie in the field then the safest thing to do would be choose crops that are easy to grow.

If you choose plants that require a lot of attention and are susceptible to diseases you will discourage yourself and never be able to discover the satisfying feeling of growing crops.

There are a lot of easy to grow crops that can be recommended to beginners. One of the easiest crops to grow is spinach. This leafy vegetable does not require much attention. You get purchase the seeds that you sow in warm moist soil. [Growing spinach]

The only thing you have to make sure of is that the soil is kept moist at all times which means you have to water it on a regular basis. With the right conditions you can enjoy your healthy spinach through out the summer.

Another veggie that is easy to grow is lettuce. Enjoy healthy salads all summer through by adding it to your garden. Lettuce is one of the most fool proof crops you can grow. It does not need a lot except regular watering and it is relatively pest and disease free. [Growing lettuce]

Green beans are also an easy crop to add in your home garden. This crop has big seeds that you see where it is on the ground that you place them. This makes it easy to plan your garden in any style and pattern that you desire.

One bean stalk can bear a lot of beans on it so it does not require a lot of space or seeds to harvest a lot of beans. The only requirement is that they have to be planted in warm moist soil and they will be sprouting in no time at all. Cool moist soil will just make the seeds rot in the soil instead of germinating.

So while you wait for the soil to get warmer for your green beans you can be enjoying radishes. This is no doubt the easiest crop to grow and the best part is that it matures within 20 days from the time of being planted. Even if the soil is not too great, radishes can still grow well.

Onions can make a great contribution to your garden and they are not that hard to grow. Even if you fail to produce bulb onions you can still enjoy them as greens.

They do require a lot of water and even poor soil will still produce great looking onions. They do not suffer from a lot of diseases and relatively pest free.

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