Dealing With The Dreaded Termite In Your Garden


The termite colony that lives in your garden is not necessarily a pest, and is not always to be viewed as a threat to be removed.

The fact is that termites do perform certain important functions in your garden; that of turning over the soil, helping with decomposition and recycling of natural waste.

However, they also are voracious eaters of anything that contains cellulose: furniture, wooden walls, cardboard, books, doors, beams, boxes are all fodder for the little crawlers.

In the garden, they can hollow a tree from the inside by eating away inside it; they can weaken a full grown tree by eating away the roots and also destroy garden plants.

If they reach the house, the possible destruction they can wreak can only be imagined: the very foundation of your home may be jeopardized.

Getting professional help for a termite infestation makes sense in most cases. Usually heavy duty toxins and fumigation processes are used to destroy termite.

Usually holes are drilled into the infested woodwork and the pesticides introduced. After this the holes are sealed to kill of the termite colony.

Boric acid or propane heat is also seen to work on termites. Liquid nitrogen is another option; when pumped into the termite colony, it will literally freeze the pests to death.

Besides these, it is important to always try and keep the termites at bay by ensuring that the home itself is not a target for termites.

It is wet or damp wood which termites are attracted to so if your home has the sort of foundation that termites find inedible, you can be reasonably sure that it is safe from them.

Also since termites are attracted to wood that retains liquid, don’t plant the sort of plants too close to the house that are thirsty for a lot of water.

Digging a tunnel around the house and filling it with sand can also help to deter the little destroyers from accessing your home’s structure.

You may also want to use termite traps that use wooden bait to begin with. If you find that these pests are attracted to the wood, then you can place pesticide at the site of the termite bait, which will slowly spread through the termite coolly.

Additionally you can use borate coating for wooden structures in your garden which is anathema to termites so those are protected.