Protecting Your Garden From Pests In Organic Way


With the start of growing season, it is quite common for all gardeners to face pests and various diseases in fields and gardens.

However, before you give your urge to eliminate worms and buggers with a dose of aerosol poisons, here are few ways to prevent pests in eco friendly way.

  • For protecting leafy plants from slugs, you can provide tasty trap for them. Take a series of old yogurt cups and burry them at the rim of plants, particularly near slug-worn plants. Pour generous amounts of beer in it and mix few teaspoons of sugar in it. Slugs mostly prefer beer than leaves of plants.
  • Choose right plants for your garden that has resistant immune system to defend pests and diseases by their own. You can also choose pest resistant plants.
  • Grow plants that attract insects that kill pests or eat pests for their survival. For instance, you can grow small daisies, rosemary and also mint that can attract insects that eat various pests including worms and bugs.
  • Maintain a good and healthy fertile soil [soil types]  in your crop or garden. You can use rotating plant method to improve fertility of soil or you can also add organic compost in sufficient amounts to ensure healthy fertile soil in your garden.